月份: 2018 年 6 月
PhD student, Chih-Tung Liu, had received the Best Poster Presentation Award in JTPL2017 held at Iwate University!PhD student, Chih-Tung Liu, had received the Best Poster Presentation Award in JTPL2017 held at Iwate University!
PhD student, Chih-Tung Liu, had received the Best Poste […]
Congratulations to Prof. Jong-Shinn Wu for receiving the Distinguished Achievement Award of Alumni Association of National Tainan First Senior HighCongratulations to Prof. Jong-Shinn Wu for receiving the Distinguished Achievement Award of Alumni Association of National Tainan First Senior High
Congratulations to Prof. Jong-Shinn Wu for receiving th […]
Congratulations to PhD student, Mr. Kuang-Yao Cheng, for receiving the Graduate Student Study Abroad Program (GSSAP)(千里馬)to the ME Department of Texas A & M University, USA, for 11 months working on chronic wound healing using atmospheric-pressure plasmaCongratulations to PhD student, Mr. Kuang-Yao Cheng, for receiving the Graduate Student Study Abroad Program (GSSAP)(千里馬)to the ME Department of Texas A & M University, USA, for 11 months working on chronic wound healing using atmospheric-pressure plasma
Congratulations to PhD student, Mr. Kuang-Yao Cheng, fo […]
Congratulations to Prof. Jong-Shinn Wu for receiving the following two awards recently!Congratulations to Prof. Jong-Shinn Wu for receiving the following two awards recently!
Congratulations to Prof. Jong-Shinn Wu for receiving th […]
Prof. Jong-Shinn Wu is honorably invited to give a keynote speech on plasma applications in the upcoming JSAP Autumn Meeting in September 2016.Prof. Jong-Shinn Wu is honorably invited to give a keynote speech on plasma applications in the upcoming JSAP Autumn Meeting in September 2016.
Prof. Jong-Shinn Wu is honorably invited to give a keyn […]
Congratulations to Prof. Jong-Shinn Wu for being elected as Associate Fellow AIAA in September 2015 !Congratulations to Prof. Jong-Shinn Wu for being elected as Associate Fellow AIAA in September 2015 !
Congratulations to Prof. Jong-Shinn Wu for being electe […]
Prof. Jong-Shinn Wu is honorably invited to give a plenary talk at the upcoming 1st Computational Mechanics Conference in Taiwan (台灣計算力學會議) to be held at National Taiwan University, Taipei, Taiwan during October 22-23, 2015. (Posted: August 10, 2015)Prof. Jong-Shinn Wu is honorably invited to give a plenary talk at the upcoming 1st Computational Mechanics Conference in Taiwan (台灣計算力學會議) to be held at National Taiwan University, Taipei, Taiwan during October 22-23, 2015. (Posted: August 10, 2015)
Prof. Jong-Shinn Wu is honorably invited to give a plen […]
Prof. Jong-Shinn Wu was promoted to an ASME (American Society of Mechanical Engineers) Fellow recently. The following states his citation for this honor: (Posted: July 22, 2015)Prof. Jong-Shinn Wu was promoted to an ASME (American Society of Mechanical Engineers) Fellow recently. The following states his citation for this honor: (Posted: July 22, 2015)
The citation of Professor We being elected as ASME Fell […]
A recent paper published by Prof. Wu’s group has been downloaded or viewed 302 times since publication in June 2014. (Posted: April 10, 2015)A recent paper published by Prof. Wu’s group has been downloaded or viewed 302 times since publication in June 2014. (Posted: April 10, 2015)
A recent paper published by Prof. Wu’s group: Dev […]