吳宗信 Jong-Shinn Wu
Department of Mechanical Engineering
National Chiao Tung University
1001 Ta-Hsueh Road, Hsinchu 30010, TAIWAN
Office: Rm. 425, Eng. V
TEL: (03)5731693
FAX: (03)611-0023
E-mail: chongsin@faculty.nctu.edu.tw
Curriculum Vitae
Prof. Jong-Shinn Wu received his MS and BS degrees both in Mechanical Engineering, National Taiwan University, Taiwan, in 1986 and 1988, respectively, and his PhD degree in Aerospace Engineering, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, USA, in 1994. Then he worked as a postdoctoral research fellow until the end of 1995 in the same department.
Later he returned to Taiwan and worked at the National Space Organization (NSPO) for two years. He then joined Department of Mechanical Engineering, National Chiao Tung University, Taiwan in 1998 till now. Now he is a Distinguished Professor, the director of Advanced Rocket Research Center (ARRC) and the president of Taiwanese Association of Plasma Science & Technology (TAPST). He is now ASME Fellow, AIAA Associate Fellow, AIAA Hybrid Rocket Technical Committee member and IEEE member.
His research interests include rarefied gas dynamics modeling, rocket propulsion, non-equilibrium plasma modeling, atmospheric-pressure plasma applications (in biomedicine, agriculture, space and industry), and parallel scientific computing.
He has published >115 journal papers and >250 international conference papers until now with an H-index of 25 and more than 2,000 citations. He has been constantly invited to give lectures in parallel simulation of plasma and rarefied gas dynamics internationally (6 keynotes and > 30 invited talks). He was the associate editor of the International Journal of Plasma Science & Engineering (2008-2010), currently an editorial board member of Int. J. Theoretical & Applied Mechanics (2006~) and a guest editor of Computers & Fluids (2010-2012), IEEE Transactions on Plasma Science (2014-2016) and Journal of Computers and Mathematics with Applications (2015-2016). He has been members of the Advisory/Organizing Committee of many important international conferences in plasma and computational fluid dynamics for the past 10 years.
Current Positions:
1. Distinguished Professor, National Chiao Tung University (2016~)
2. Head, Aerothermal & Plasma Physics Lab. (APPL) (2007~) (FB: APPLabTW)
3. Founder/Director, Advanced Rocket Research Center (ARRC) (2012~) (FB: ARRC)
4. President, Taiwanese Association of Plasma Science & Technology (TAPST)(2016~2018)
Education & Experience:
1. Professor, National Chiao Tung University (2005-2015)
2. Director, Thermal Fluid and Manufacturing Research Center (2007-2008)
3. Founder & Director, Advanced Rocket Research Center (ARRC) (2012-2015)
4. Chief Technological Officer, GeoSat Aerospace & Technology (2015-2016)
5. Chief Executive Officer, TiSPACE (Taiwan Innovative Space Technologies, Inc.) (2016~2018)
Honors and Awards:
1. Distinguished Achievement Award of Alumni Association of Mechanical Engineering, National Taiwan University, 2016.
2. Distinguished Achievement Award of Alumni Association of National Tainan First Senior High, 2016.
3. ASME Fellow (American Society of Mechanical Engineers)
4. AIAA Associate Fellow (American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics)
5. AIAA Hybrid Rocket Technical Committee (HRTC, AIAA)